6.29.2022: Added and edited a LOT of Links.
6.25.2022: Tweaks, Tweaks, and Tweaks galore! Added the option to upload images in BBS.
6.3.2022: The site will now remember what theme you last picked and changes to that theme! There is now no more HTML extension in Home and Logs.
6.2.2022: Added a fake Japanese Ad to the side bar, just for fun! Made layout changes. Fixed the Halloween theme.
5.26.2022: Added a "Summer" theme to the site! Fixed and made changes to Layout.
5.22.2022: Made an actual 404 Not Found page! And not some inside joke.
5.21.2022: Added a user submitted question to the BBS. Fixed a bug where the classic header images wouldn't load. That was weird...
5.18.2022: Added a "Mood Indicator!" The background also has a scroll animation too!
5.16.2022: Redesigned the Update Log! Removed the button from Navigation. Added a link.
5.15.2022: Added more splash text. Made tweaks to the site.
5.13.2022: Made tweaks to the landing page.
5.8.2022: Redesigned my About page! Finally linked my shop. Added "Spam" to the BBS.
5.5.2022: Added a new devlog page. Added two illustrations!
5.3.2022: Added the "Halloween" theme! Moved the Themes button to the navigation. Added a loading screen.
5.2.2022: Added Themes!
5.1.2022: Added a link in Links. Added splash text as the footer! Added a toggle for when you enter the site on a mobile device.
4.29.2022: Fixed a link in Diary, so that it would open a new tab. Updated a link in Links.
4.25.2022: Made a new blog post about my sticker shop!
4.15.2022: Added three illustrations in the Gallery!
4.14.2022: Update Log added! Any previous updates are not archived.